Teach Me Your Love Read online

Page 25

  "My sweet," He shook his head bringing her closer, "you have no reason to be jealous of Painted Dove. I have loved you since I took you from Bear Foot. And the secret that has been in my heart now, is that you will be my son's mother. You and only you… and do not feel too badly. I was jealous of this John too. A man I'd never even seen."

  She cupped his face now, "I never loved John like this, ever. No man… just you!" she told him solemnly. "I never felt free to love like this, before. As timid with a man as I was, I don't know how I got the nerve to be with you. I put every excuse in the book between us. You were Indian, I was white. You took Painted Dove, I was married to John. But as powerful excuses as they might have been, the need to be with you grew too strong. I could no longer deny what was in my heart. You."

  "It does not matter now. We have truly loved, and no one will come between us now."

  "And you, my love, must remember one thing. I will love you forever. I will love you until I die! And I will never want another." she cried and kissed him with a fever.

  He smiled, as they went to sleep, happy and content to be with each other.

  "If I get old and fat, will you still love me?" she murmured softly in his ear.

  He chuckled, "Every inch of you. It would only mean more to love, that is all my sweet. True love does not die with age, it only mellows. And the love of the flesh is not half as strong as the love in the heart."

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  It grew chilly through the night and they snuggled closer. When it grew too cold, he picked her up in his arms and took her to a cave to sleep. The cave was hidden in the rocks near the pool.

  He knew this country well. He could find anything, anyone. He knew in his mind if anyone took Naomi, he'd still find her. It might take a little time, but he would find her. All he wanted to do was make sure she survived until he did.

  Painted Dove had gone way too far, and his anger festered at the back of his mind. Her revenge could mean the end of her. He'd been good to Painted Dove, and she repaid him with revenge in her heart.

  His mind wandered as he lay Naomi down, staring at her beauty. He knew part of what lay ahead, and he began to question whether he should run the guns, knowing what he knew. But if it was in a vision, it would happen, whether he was there or not. And he knew too, that Painted Dove would not succeed, and her demise would not be his doing, but her own.

  He could not tell Naomi, it would frighten her too much. But he could prepare her for what was to come.

  He laid down with her, holding her close, for this one woman had won his heart and he would kill to protect her without a second thought. His fierce protective nature made him an even stronger warrior now.

  Morning brought them waking to the sunshine.

  They ate pemmican and watched the sun rise together. "It is beautiful here." She murmured as she sat in his naked lap.

  "Yes, it is a little bit of heaven."

  "Why did you bring me here?" she asked softly, her head resting on his massive shoulders.

  "I wanted to show you how beautiful this country can be. But it is only that beautiful because you see it with the love in your heart. I wanted some alone time with you, time to be together as one, to talk, to teach, to enjoy each other."

  She stretched against him now and yawned. "I like being alone together… " she glanced up at him with a smile.

  "So, do I."

  "I want to look at you." He whispered. He laid her down on the blanket and his eyes went from her head to her toes. His eyes stopped at points of interest like her breasts and her love nest. "Turn over, I want to look at he other side of you."

  She did as he ask.

  Now his hands traveled over the softness of her neck, down her lovely back, to her small waist where it curved so beautifully, then over her buttocks that stood firm, then to her legs and feet. He stretched out beside her, running his hands over her as she lay flat on her stomach. She sighed as he touched her. He massaged her all over and she moaned softly. "That feels very good, my love."

  "I could find you anywhere." He told her.

  She glanced at him, "How?"

  "Your shape, your smell, your figure. I have memorized you."

  "You have?" she chuckled.

  "You are mine now and I know every inch of you. It's a good feeling knowing every inch of my lady."

  "Can I look at you now?" she asked.

  "Of course." He smiled, he leaned on one elbow and watched her gaze flit over him.

  "Your magnificent, like a stallion." She proclaimed.

  He laughed.

  She ran her hands up and down his leg, but when she came upward, she stopped and let her hands run to his hip and then inward. He groaned.

  "I have to admit you have the best-looking thighs I've ever seen on a man."

  He chuckled, "How many have you seen?"

  She shrugged with a huge smile, "Just one, but I'm still sure of it. When a woman can't take her eyes from them, they have to be magnificent."

  He leaned to kiss her, and she was lost in his world of seduction. She knew instinctively he wanted her, and she could hardly wait for those oh so male lips to take her away.

  They kissed for a long time, unable to find a stopping place. "You drive me to madness sometimes. I want you so badly."

  She smiled, "When we are alone like this, I am your toy. You can do anything to me, say anything to me. I trust you. And I don't think I've ever trusted another man, save my father."

  "Woman, I could have you a million times, and it would not be enough." He told her.

  "You have a big appetite, don't you?" she giggled.

  He planted his arms on either side of her, kissed her waiting lips and entered her knowing full well she was wet and warm for him. He knew her, and she knew him.

  Her hips met his with an eagerness he appreciated. Her lips answered his, she came undone, her need of him building so strong, so quickly, when they orgasmed, they both moaned aloud the power of it. "Had I ever known that making love was this beautiful, I would have let you have me from the first."

  He looked into her eyes. "When I saw you in that pile of dirt, crawling on your knees, and you moved your hair and I saw you face, I knew then I wanted you. But I saw that it would take some doing to have you."

  "You know," she sat up now and smiled, "what won me over?"

  "What?" he challenged.

  "It is very simple my love. You gave me a gift no other has given."

  "What could that be?"

  "The gift of laughter. Never had a man made me laugh like you did. I'd never met a man with such a sense of humor, nor such a quick smile."

  "Truth is, I had to use that to keep my hands off you."

  "I'm glad, because it showed me that I was taking things much too seriously. It showed me that I could laugh even in the situation I was in. And… I no longer feared you. How can you be afraid of a man that makes you laugh?"

  "That was what I wanted to accomplish. For I knew you were scared. And had every right to be. Bear Foot can be a bit overbearing at times."

  "If I'd only known he was such a teddy bear I would never have been afraid of him."

  He laughed. "You are right, his bark is much worse than his bite."

  "Will you still love me, if they rape me?" she asked in a soft voice that cracked with emotion as she sobered.

  He raised his head, looked into her eyes. "You are a powerful woman, and you do what you must to survive, our love is endless. Never ask it again, for I am yours forever. But, do what you must to survive. I'll never condemn you for that, my love."

  "You say such beautiful things to me, making my heart swell with love and pride for you."

  "You are my woman, my love, my life. And there are a few things left for me to tell you. But I say beautiful things to you because they are true, and because God deems it so. We are to treasure each other."

  "And that's another thing, you being Christian won my heart."

  "It is so good between us."

  "I will listen and learn." She told him, sitting up now.

  "Now comes the hard part, I must prepare you for what they might try to do to you." He told her as they nibbled on the food they brought."

  She studied him, "Alright, I'm ready."

  "Now, if they try to rape you, just rape you, remember how you were with John?"

  "Yes, I just laid there."

  "That is what you will need to do with them. Except, if they try to do more, things that repulse you. Then my darling you will have to kill them…. Or at the very least, hurt them badly."

  "Kill them?" She looked at him now with surprise and shock. "You want me to kill them?" She hadn't even thought of such a thing.

  "Yes, and I know you probably never killed anyone before, but you may have to." He told her.

  "But…. I mean…. Kill them?" She turned her head in question.

  "When someone abducts you, they don't care what they do to you. You have to make the call, and it won't be easy. But if one of them pulls you aside and starts messing with you. Then this… will save you." He handed her a knife with a scabbard. "Remember the Mexicans that came. I killed them because I had to. They would have told someone you were here. I could not bear anyone taking you away. So, I killed them. I would do it again, if necessary. Now, I tell you, if you have to, kill them. Wear it in the side of your shoe. If they try to seduce you into something that is unpleasant, then stab them two or three times, grab their gun, hold it on the other ones. If there is a horse handy, take it and ride, west. If they follow, try to shoot them. Or at the least scare them away."

  "I'm not sure I can kill anyone." She shook her head.

  "You may have to, if they try anything that is really sinful."

  She looked at the knife. She let out a sigh. "Where do I stick it? I mean, is there a place to stick it, that is effective?"

  "I'm glad you asked. In the belly, but under the ribs, not through them. In the back, on the lower ribs. Even if you don't manage to kill them, injure them enough so they can't come after you! For they will want to kill you then."

  She nodded, "I guess you are right. I hadn't contemplated it being that bad."

  "I know. You are an Apache now, you can do this. You are strong."

  "I never considered it going that far." She looked at him.

  "No one does my sweet, until it happens. Just be prepared to. Once you have the upper hand, they'll want to kill you, whether it's their intention to begin with or not. Do not hesitate, it is very important. You must be ready and willing to do this, or they will kill you." He told her plainly. "For if they killed you, I would kill them with my bare hands and take pleasure in it, then I would mourn you the rest of my days."

  She drew breath. "No wonder you've been so serious about this. How do I find you again, if I do manage to get away?"

  "Just ride west. If you pass Tucson, you've gone too far, turn around and ride about forty miles east. You'll find us."

  She nodded.

  He cupped her chin softly, "Do not use it, unless you are sure, you can use it. For your hesitation would get you killed. Understand?"

  "Yes…. " she nodded. "Yes, I do." Her expression was serious now, understanding just how bad it could go.

  "Good. Remember, if you even once suspicion their intention is to kill you, do not hesitate to use the knife, but wait until you get the chance to do so." He told her. "Don't be too hasty, but don't wait too long either."

  "Who is behind this?" she asked softly.

  "I am not sure… "

  "But you think you are, who is it? I really want to know."

  "Painted Dove. She wants revenge."

  Naomi stared, her mouth open, her eyes terrified. "She wants to kill me?"

  "Or send you home to John one. I don't know for sure what she wants, but she can be treacherous. And a woman who is jealous can do many really bad things. That's why I caution you not to hesitate if you have to take action."

  "How would she even know of John?"

  "The tribe talks. Bear Foot's wives talked about him as they heard you telling him of John, your white husband. She worked with them. They have probably told her everything."

  "What if she is with them?"

  "Then certainly don't hesitate to do what you have to. Even with her, my sweet."

  "You mean kill her?" She asked, swallowing hard.

  "Yes. If necessary. I would not tell you unless it was necessary. She, of all others wants you dead. She's Comanche, remember how mean the Comanche women were to you. She is like them… just like them."

  Naomi's mouth flew open and she sighed as she flopped upon a rock to sit and stare into the distance. "She hates me, that much?"

  "She wants revenge, and she's taking it out on you."

  "But I haven't done anything to her. In fact, at first I had sympathy for her."

  "You took what she wants."

  She looked up at him, "You?" The word came out in an almost whisper. "She wants you that badly. Is she in love with you?"

  "No, it is her pride. She was shamed leaving our camp. She might have wormed her way back with me, if you hadn't been there. But you were, and she knew how I felt about you… "

  "She knew…. That you cared for me?"

  "Yes, I had to tell her that day I kissed her on the forehead. I told her you were my wife and I love you."

  "You loved me… even then?" Naomi's mouth flew open.

  He almost laughed but shook his head with a tender smile, "I have loved you from the beginning." He turned away, sat down and looked at her. "Is it really that hard to believe. Yes, I loved you. The first time I saw you at Bear Foot's wickiup, your hair all over you face, crawling on your knees, and not giving in to him. I thought you the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. I wanted you. And had you been Indian I would have taken you that day. But you were white, and my father told me of the white women. That to force a white woman to do anything before she was ready to do it was futile. So, I waited, hoping you would look at me with favor."

  "I was so sure you were in love with Painted Dove."

  "I know. I used her to keep my distance from you, many times, my love."

  "Are you serious? Oh, I only wish I'd known."

  "The day you worried over my kissing Painted Dove, is the day she stabbed me under the arm."

  "My God, she stabbed you?"

  "Yes, I told her I loved you."

  She made a strange sound in her throat. "Was it bad?"

  "If you look close you will see the wound."

  "My God!" Naomi saw the wound and gasped. "Why didn't you tell me?"

  "I did not want your sympathy. I wanted your love."

  "You were with the Comanche, and she is one of them. You know how rough and how mean they can be. Don't hesitate to use the knife. Promise me."

  "How would you feel if I killed her?" Naomi asked.

  "I would know it was necessary, I wouldn't question you. You are not a killer."

  "I had no idea she hated me! And I'll admit, I thought a little part of you loved her. I'm sorry I misjudged you."

  "Love was not part of our relationship. I knew that early on. You felt the jealousy yourself. But remember, hers is about ten times stronger than yours. You would not kill because of it, she would. So, don't hesitate. Please."

  "I am sorry, I have brought this on you!" she touched his cheek now. "And I'm sorry I didn't trust you more."

  "It is not you, it is her. I hesitated to tell you, but you may find out for yourself."

  "I did not mean to bring all of this upon you!"

  "You didn't. She did. Your heart is pure, and good. Her's is evil and bad."

  "I cannot give you up to her. I love you too much. And I will not let her get her hands on you again." She promised.

  He smiled. "You're going to fight her for me?"

  "If I have to, yes!" she declared.

  "Woman, I love you more every day." He kissed her sweet lips. "You will remember the things I have taught you, the things I have said t
o you."

  "I will remember."

  "Good, we will return to camp then." He told her.

  She looked at him, all of him and smiled, "Is there a rush to get back?" she asked, her eyes lingering on him.

  He stared now, then a slow burning smile broke over his lips. "No… there is no rush… "

  He kissed her, and she pulled him down to the blanket once more…

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Red Elk met Big Hand the morning they were to leave for the gun run. He was anxious to get back.

  Red Elk had gotten the guns from the fort and loaded them in the wagon he had borrowed too.

  "Did you talk with Bear Foot?" Red Elk asked.

  "I did, and he is willing to help watch over Naomi and Chosen One while we are gone. I told him about Painted Dove and he will keep his eyes open for any intrusions. He is no more pleased with her scheme than you. He said he should have killed her. Comanche's can't be trusted."

  "Good. This trip will probably be easy. As far as I know, no one is aware of me running guns yet." Red Elk informed him.

  "That is good, my brother."

  "I have prepared Naomi for the worst. She knows what to do if they take her. And I'm almost certain they will find and take her. I just don't know when. And I don't know how they will treat her. Which worries me."

  "You've had a vision."

  "Yes. She will need much courage if they get her. I know Chosen One will hide her, but I also know Naomi's heart. If she hears screams or gunshots she will come to defend and be caught by them. She is that way. But she is stronger than either of us figured. She has strength as an Apache, but the heart of a woman." Red Elk smiled.

  Big Hand smiled too. "Chosen One too is ready. I have told her of many things myself. I understand the heart of a woman as Chosen One is like that too."

  "Good. We have prepared them for the worst." Red Elk nodded.

  "How long do you plan on doing this, running guns thing?" Big Hand asked.

  "I'm not sure. The Texas forts in the West are nearly abandoned now, and I can only go so far with it. But I will help as long as I can. They'll eventually need someone who can run them further into Texas. They'll be closing Ft. Davis before long and that means we'll have to shut this down."