Teach Me Your Love Read online

Page 24

  "Yes…" she replies breathlessly. "It is… " she stared breathlessly. "But you have never hurt me… "

  Then his lips began a slow languorous journey down her neck. Her head fell back giving him his leave. Her hair fell like a soft cloud against his shoulder and chest. He moaned with such pleasure. Feeling her hair dance against his skin sensitized him.

  "You have the most beautiful hair I've ever seen on a woman."

  "I'm glad I please you… " she whispered.

  "Please me? Dear One, you do so much more than that… "

  Without warning he picked her up, cupping her bottom and bringing her solidly against his already hard arousal. "Do you feel how much I want you?" he whispered.

  She pulled away just enough to look into his passion filled eyes. "Yes, my love. My body readies for you now… " she smiled with such a joy. She pulled his chin around to stare into his eyes. "My body reacts to you, sometimes I have no control over how much."

  "You please me with your words. I want to be gentle, but all I can think of is tearing your clothes from your body and having you."

  She eyed him with a sensual glance. Her voice softened, "I do not ask you to be gentle, only to take me the way you want. For I know you will not hurt me. The love shines from your eyes. We are one now, what is mine, is yours."

  "How could we have gotten to know each other so well, in such a short time?" he smiled against her. "How did that ever happen." He murmured against the softness of her neck.

  "I've known you forever, for you are the lover I always dreamed of. I knew in my heart there was more to love than what I had known. And there was such a reaction in my body the first time I looked at you. I could not believe the way I felt."

  "And you are the woman, the only woman that fits me."

  She smiled. "I think God made my body for yours."

  His breath was warm on her cheek as he shivered with needs.

  "Thank you for bringing me here, to this paradise. Thank you for buying the ring that means so much to me. Thank you for trading me from Bear Foot. And most of all, thank you for making me the woman I've always wanted to be."

  He found the hem of her dress, and pulled it over her head, as her arms stretched upward, he threw it to the ground.

  She stood in the backdrop of a perfect sunset, and his eyes feasted on her. "Your beauty has no words, for how my heart feels when I look at you like this."

  She blushed. She stood up straight, proud, and melting from the look in his eyes. She never felt so bold with a man, and now she stood straight, proudly, letting him feast his eyes upon her.

  He stared, his eyes going slowly over her now, taking in every part of her. "Turn around, I want to look at the other side of you."

  She slowly turned around almost shyly, and he gasped at the beauty of her. "You are my woman, my wife, my love and I will remember you like this for the rest of my life. Just looking at you like this, I cannot put to words how much I adore you."

  He came up behind her, and wrapped his arms around her bosom, each hand covering her breasts. His thumbs began to move soft over the pebble hardness of her nipples. She sighed. She leaned her head back on his shoulder and closed her eyes to the ecstasy of his touches. "I've never felt so free to be naked before." She whispered. "I never wanted to be naked with any man before you. No man, but you, has ever looked upon me like this."

  "No man?" he raised his head to look into her eyes.

  "No… " came the admission.

  His lips caressed her forehead. "I am proud you chose me, then, to be that man."

  He picked her up and carried her to the water's edge now. "This is our time, my love, to enjoy each other, feast upon each other and thank the Creator for our love."

  She stood naked before him and she was not ashamed of how Red Elk looked at her, all of her, possessively. His eyes burned a trail from her wild head of hair to her toes, "You are so beautiful." He whispered.

  "You make me feel beautiful." She murmured her eyes finding his now. "It is something I have never felt before. I believe my life didn't start until I met you."

  "Look into the water and see yourself. See how beautiful you are." He told her.

  She glanced in the water shyly. "See what I see." He told her.

  "Isn't that a bit vain?" she asked.

  "No," he smiled sexily at her. "It is the truth. Your body is perfect, your hair is wild and free and so lovely, your eyes shine full of love. You are a beautiful soul. When a woman is in love, she is so breathtaking. And I have waited for such a woman in my life. I have waited for you… And I admit, I'm a jealous one too, and I will not share you with anyone. I claim you even before your white husband. Because you are mine, and I know it."

  She stared at him now and slowly she walked up to him, without words, she removed his breechcloth, her eyes going over him just as slowly. Her breath caught looking at him so. She licked her lips. Then had him sit and she removed his leggings, her hand going over his strong thighs, exploring them and she took his hand for him to get up.

  "So many times, I have looked at you here," she touched his thighs softly, her hands touching, her eyes staring at him there. "You have such magnificent legs. And I wanted you… I can say it now, for what I feel with you is not ugly, it is love… "

  "My God woman, no woman has talked to me like this."

  "Is it bad?" She asked with a slight smile.

  He reached to kiss her, holding her to him by the neck. "There is nothing bad between us. Nothing… " He reassured her.

  She smiled. "Now it's my turn to look. For you are the strongest, and most handsome man I have ever known." She told him softly.

  He smiled once more. "We are well suited."

  Her eyes went all over him.

  "Yes, we are… " she agreed. "Before you, I never felt beautiful, or loved. But now, the joy is unspeakable. I've never been this bold with a man before. But I felt a heavy need to look at you too. From the moment you sat and played the flute for me. I would look at you, and deep down, I would want you! I thought it wrong then. I fought my feelings. At the time I felt it was so wrong to want you like that. But it was there, and it wouldn't go away. In fact, it got stronger. The more I looked, the more I wanted to look. Your legs, your thighs, the flesh of your loins, I looked upon you there, and wanted you. It felt strange to want a man, but I did. At first, I told myself I was shameless. But the more I looked upon you, the more I wanted you to take me. So many times, I wanted to say the words that would bring you to me, but I was afraid."

  "Of what?" he asked staring into her warm brown eyes.

  "Of rejection. Of being called sinful. The word sinful made me feel so ugly."

  "You have never been ugly. Nor sinful. It is what I loved about you, you were so pure, so honest, and so lovely."

  She moved provocatively toward him now, her arms reaching to wrap around his neck as she stretched and laid herself against him. She felt his arousal against her and she smiled. As skin touched skin, she closed her eyes and reveled in how good it felt. "With any other man, this would be impossible for me to enjoy. But with you, it seems so natural. I feel truly married now, like a wife should feel. There are no words to tell you how happy you have made me. I am yours and I always will be. Please don't ever reject me, for I could not bear it."

  "I am glad you can stand proudly before me like this." He stared into her lovely eyes. "I love feasting my eyes upon you. I've wanted to for so long. But Dear One, I would never reject you. You are at long last mine, and I love you, every inch of you."

  "Take me now, for I desire to please my husband." She told him boldly.

  "You have always pleased me Naomi."

  "I must tell you something, my husband." She said boldly.

  "I am listening."

  "When you brought me that gold band and put it on my finger." She closed her eyes for a moment absorbing the memory of it. Her hands going over his chest, stopping at his nipple to rub her palm against him. "I wanted you so badly that day. My hear
t danced in my chest. It isn't the gold, it isn't the material part of it, it is the symbol it represented to me. To be truly married to someone. To think you had to kill five bears to get it. It is beyond me. No one had ever done such a thing for me before. I was so happy, so proud, I was bursting inside. I just couldn't find the words to tell you what it meant to me. What it will always mean to me when I look at this ring. I do not require jewelry to make me happy, but that gesture, and what you had to do to get it, is something I will hold dear in my heart forever. I will tell our children of it too, someday."

  His eyes gleamed into hers now, "I would have killed five more bears to have had you that day."

  She laughed. "I know now, that every day I have fallen a little more in love with you. And not a day goes by that I don't want you… inside me."

  Without another word, he lifted her into his arms, his lips meeting hers halfway. He kissed her with a fever. "Remember always my love for you… " he told her.

  She looked into his face, her hands going on each side of his cheeks, her eyes staring into his, "And mine for you."

  "We are one, and always will be, even in eternity."

  "Yes… " she smiled.

  He carried her into the pool of water. He held her up from the water now and kissed her breasts tenderly, licking the water from them. Her hair fell back in a dark cloud. He ran his hands through it, as his lips took hers in a kiss that burned into her memory. There was a reverence in his kissing her now, and she swooned, and melted into him.

  When she came up for air, she stared breathlessly into his face, "Your kisses, I have never been kissed like you kiss me… "

  He smiled sexily. "Are they different from John's."

  "John never kissed me on the lips."

  "It is sad for him that he missed out on so much from you. But deep down, I'm glad, for you are mine! Not his!"

  "Yes…. Oh yes… my love."

  He entered her there, in the water, as her legs came up and around his waist. He held her proudly, as he moved inside her, feeling her muscles working to keep him there, he smiled again. She opened her mouth now throwing her head back, she gloried as he took her breast in his mouth and swirled his hot possessive tongue around her nipples, as his strong shaft plunged deeper inside her. "Oh, you are so big, go as far as you can inside me, I want all of you." She cried.

  "Will it hurt you?"

  "Never. It fills me with your love. I am more than sure that my body was made for yours. I want all of you inside me. I know without doubt that I belong to you. We were meant to be together. Never fear I welcome you."

  Her head fell back in total abandon at his taking, it was so powerful and sensual. Nothing prepared her for this raw, desire ridden journey they were taking. She lost herself in him, as he moved within her deeper more sensual, burning with a heat between them.

  "I have never moved so deeply inside a woman before. You are so little, and yet, we fit. How is it possible?"

  "No one would be able to please me but you now. No one could fill me like this, but you."

  "You are my one and only love," he said softly.

  "You take me like a real warrior." she cried. "I am breathless with wonder. I never knew there could be so much love inside a person."

  "It is good between us," he smiled sexily, as the orgasm sent them both spiraling into a woven web of sweet contentment. She clung to him, as his mouth scorched her body at the ecstasy of the moment surrounded them in a cocoon of love. She moved erotically, as her muscles strained to hold him for long lingering moments needing the pulsing plunges of his love. His shaft seemed to throb with energy, his lips burned a path from her mouth to her breasts, his hands held her buttocks, kneading her hips against his own. He growled, she smiled against his lips.

  Breathless and spellbound she hung on to this powerful man, glorying in his taking of her.

  After the orgasm, he pulled out of her slowly, kissing her all the time, he washed himself then picked her up in his arms and carried her to the bank and laid her down, and kissed her body tenderly, licking the water from her heated body, caressing her slowly. "This is our time to be together in every way. We will know each other well before we leave here. I want to brand you as mine. Anything you want is yours for the taking. I am yours and you are mine. As it should be."

  "Yes," she cried, holding him close as he caressed every inch of her body. She moved against him in an erotic way and he sighed with such pleasure.

  "I never knew loving someone could be such a pleasure," she gasped.

  "Your body is a sweet welcoming temple that I must enter often. Do you mind?"

  N-no… " she smiled at him. "I will look forward to each time. I want only one man, you, and as often as you wish!" she smiled into his shining eyes.

  "The spirits have shown me, we will make a child, a boy child."

  She smiled, "It would be my gift of love to you."

  "Yes, my love. And because of it, our bond will only grow stronger."

  They kissed and loved until way into the night, resting in each other's arms, exhausted but happy.

  They played with each other, teasing and taunting little games of love, laughing, and kissing way into the night.

  As he held her that night he whispered. "Tomorrow I will teach you how to take care of your body, should they try to take you." He told her firmly. He smiled, "We will practice, with a little bit of fun."

  A shiver of what was to come sent a wave of fear through her, but she did not voice that fear. She was learning the Apache ways, to be brave and to hold her fear inside her. The fear was not of him, but of what he spoke, the intruders. She couldn't deny it scared her. He seemed so concerned, she did not wish to worry him. Their day had been so lovely, she would not mar it with fear.

  She lay naked in his arms that night, under the stars and they loved every time they woke.

  Sometimes just touching each other in secret places was enough to stir them to desire. He took a pleasure in pleasing her in every way.

  "Never forget I am with you always, for our spirits are united now. We are one, as God ordained it." He told her softly. "For we are truly one now, you wear my brand, you are mine. And you are Apache. Never forget this, it will keep you strong."

  "I will not forget." She replied, and then she slid down to kiss his shaft, in the moonlight. He moved against her and she moaned the pleasures his hands made as she kissed and laved him. His hands went over her back, softly rubbing her there, as he closed his eyes and enjoyed her loving him. When he began to orgasm, he moved to enter her, and his groan was loud and full of happiness.

  He cuddled her to him then, wrapping his big arms around her safely once more.

  "You're more than my dreams could imagine."

  She turned on her side and held her head up with an elbow, "I never thought it could ever be this wonderful."

  "You are an Apache now, and tomorrow you will become the best of white warriors. I will teach you everything you need to know. You must be strong, and always when you are afraid remember my love for you is with you. It will give you strength."

  She smiled as she went into his arms, "Your love will always protect me. Do not fear for me… for you have made me a stronger woman."

  "The world is harsh, mean sometimes, and I do not wish for you to suffer. For in the months to come you will be with child, and I will fear for both of you always."

  "Can you not tell me of your vision?"

  "Yes…. But all will be well, if I teach you. I promise. You must remember what I teach you, for you will need it."

  He brought her close and folded his arms around her, "You are more precious than gold to me. For I have never known a woman to love me like you do, with all your heart. I have wished for it, for a long time. You have been worth the wait. My father was right, a white woman is well worth the wait."

  "I fought loving you. To this day I do not know why. I never knew I could become one flesh with a man. Never knew desire like I have for you either. You have taught me
so much." She smiled, kissing his arm as she spoke.

  "You learn well." His lips kissed her cheek, but she turned and stared into his concerned face.

  "I will remember it all… now stop worrying."

  His lips took hers fiercely, caressing her in a manner that branded her as his. She swooned and melted all at once. Even when he was rougher, she didn't mind, in fact she liked it.

  He wrapped the blanket around them and held her tightly to him all night. "I love you so… my sweet."

  She stretched against him, loving the feel of his skin next to hers. "I have a confession," she smiled now snuggling against him.

  "A confession?"

  "Yes," she smiled and then looked down. "I was insanely jealous of Painted Dove. I knew even then I wanted to be your woman. But I had no words to tell you. I had looked at you."

  "What do you mean?"

  She blushed, "When you would sit and play the flute, I could see your thighs, your hips, sometimes a little of you. I loved looking at you. I felt sinful, I'll admit. But I couldn't stop looking. I'd never looked at a man's body before. I got to where I couldn't take my eyes from you. I felt wicked doing it. But compelled to. I desired you!"

  He laughed, a soft melodious laugh.

  "Do you think I never looked. Sometime when you sat down, I would see in the darkness. I stared, wanting more… so much more."

  "I am glad. It makes us even."

  "There is no sin in it. We were falling in love."

  "Sometimes, at night, I wanted to be in your arms so bad."

  "And I wanted you there." He shook his head, "Oh, if I'd only known."

  "Sometimes, some things just can't be said. It took a while for me to understand that love is not something sinful and evil, but beautiful and sent by God himself."

  "It was John that put those notions in your head. I was afraid you would never see this… But I felt if you did, we would be together then. "

  "When I looked upon you… things inside me squirmed. I wondered at it. But I saw that Chosen One and Big Hand loved quite freely. He would kiss her whenever he liked, and she would kiss back. I saw others too. And truly I was green with envy thinking of you with Painted Dove."