Teach Me Your Love Read online

Page 26

  He looked at his friend as they took the crates and loaded the guns he had gotten from the fort. Big Hand asked, "Why not just take them to Tucson?"

  "Most of the Confederates from our fort won't be doing much fighting unless they join other troops. But there is an army coming from Texas to the New Mexico Territory to enlist men as Confederates. Cochise is not happy about this. If we run guns to Tucson, Cochise might attack us and wipe us out. He is not happy about us not joining him, and I don't want to aggravate him any further. I cannot risk that. For now, I run the guns to Fort Davis. If things change, I will no longer be a part of it. As I will not fight our people over this big war."

  "That is wise. We have been at peace and we must remain so, to do well Many of our people agree now, they have gotten used to the peace and understand it is a better way to live."

  "Yes, it is important that we do. If there is much fighting between here and Ft. Davis, I will have to stop running the guns. The Comanche and Apache Mezcaleros will fight the Texans while the big war rages on. They will take advantage of the whites being unprotected by the soldiers. I hate to see this. As the settlers do not want war. We cannot get in the crossfires, but by taking the guns in, we can see for ourselves what is going on too. One thing I would ask of you my brother."


  "If anything were to happen to me. Would you and Chosen One take care of Naomi?"

  Big Hand smiled, "We would. But nothing is going to happen."

  "She worries where she will belong if it happens. I promised her I'd be back. I must keep that promise, but it is good to know that my brother would look after her."

  "It will be done, if necessary." Big Hand shook his on that." And I would ask the same of you with Chosen One."

  "You don't have to ask, my brother." Red Elk smiled.

  It was a long journey and many nights were spent on the prairie.

  As they camped the first night Big Hand looked at Red Elk, "Are you worried about Naomi?"

  "Yes, and what degree of hate Painted Dove might have for her. Naomi has never killed anyone, but I told her it might be necessary and not to hesitate. Painted Dove has killed before. She is Comanche and she has the heart of one too."

  "You have trained Naomi, she will do fine. But Painted Dove is another story. Bear Foot is willing to keep watch over the tribe. He said he'd do anything necessary."

  "That is good. I am glad. He can be a fierce warrior."

  "I agree."

  A coyote in the distance howled and their heads perked up to the elements. "Do you expect much trouble on these trips?"

  "No yet, but the longer I do this, the more trouble it will become."

  "Where do the guns come from?"

  "The are bought at the fort, but I have been given compensation to buy them from the gun runners to the fort. So, I can purchase them for the Texans."

  "Do you know these Texans?"

  "Some yes."

  "Is there much fighting of the big war in Texas?" Big Hand asked.

  "Not yet, no, what fighting is done is in spurts, and most comes to the coast where the Yankees are interested in ships and transportation of equipment. If they can interrupt the shipment of supplies, they figure it would be easier to take Texas, but they do not know the minds of the Texans. The Mexicans tried to take Texas and found them a foe that could not be beaten, the Yanks will find the same. A Texan fight for his beliefs, always. Which is why I get along with them so well, as I believe the same. But the battles there will be nothing like they are in say… Virginia and Georgia."

  "Do you believe in their war?'

  "No, for if I did, I would fight too. But it is not my war. So, I will not fight."

  Big Hand drank his coffee thoughtfully. "And Cochise fights."

  "Cochise fights to keep his land, he will not tolerate them trying to walk on him or his people. I do believe in this war, but I will not risk the peace we share to do it, unless it becomes necessary." Red Elk told him.

  Big Hand looked at him somberly now, "I feel for the women."

  "What women?"

  "The women who will lose their husbands and sons in this war between the states."

  "Yes, there will be many, the generation that will grow up from it, will take time as many men will be killed."

  Big Hand shrugged, "Strange, we can look at their war and see the deaths and the wrongs of it, but we have warred for generations ourselves and never looked upon it this way."

  Red Elk nodded and stared at his friend, "Then we should look upon it and learn from it."

  "You are right my friend. For if we do not learn, we will keep failing."

  "I would like you to scout for the army when this war is over. Would you consider it?" Red Elk asked him.

  Big Hand stared, a bit surprised. "When the war is over, yes. I would."

  "Good. As you know this country as well as I do. You see, when the tribes are forced into reservations, we must be there for them. We must help make the white man see that not all Indians are bad or ignorant. That we would rather get along and have peace than fight."

  "You are right my brother, we must."

  As they laid their heads down for the night, they both sighed with renewed faith that their way of living would go on somehow, and they would work toward it.

  But the night was not restful and a noise from the horses woke Red Elk and he shook Big Hand to alert him. Leaves stirred on the ground, he heard someone walking.

  Before long they were rushed by bandits, Mexicans slipping across the border yet again. Red Elk hadn't figured on them at all. But the way they were dressed gave them away even in the dark.

  Big Hand jumped up and while Red Elk was busy fighting off one Mexican, Big Hand hid quickly in the trees and got off a shot at the one nearest the wagon. He felled him with his bow and arrow.

  Red Elk hammered one of the bigger Mexicans with his fist, in his bulbous nose. The next time he hit him in the mouth and a tooth fell out on Red Elk's hand.

  Blood began to gush as he and Big Hand slugged it out with the Mexicans.

  Two more came and tried the same thing, to take the guns, but Big Hand got one and the other one jumped Red Elk.

  There was a huge scuffle and it was nearly thirty minutes later after fist began to fly and blood gushed that grunts and groans echoed in the night air. When Red Elk and Big Hand stood over them, two were still alive and moving. Red Elk had taken the knife from the big Mexican and drove it into his stomach. Big Hand had a hold of the smaller one and managed to break his neck with his bare hands.

  "Alright Amigo, how did you know about my wagon?" Red Elk grilled one of the remaining live ones.

  "We were at the fort when you loaded the guns."

  "And what was your plan?"

  "To take them to Mexico, of course."

  Two more came up behind them and they wrestled with them, one hit his head on a rock while wrestling with Red Elk, and the other, Big Hand threw him over his shoulder and they both heard bones crack.

  The other one that Big Hand killed lay by the wagon.

  "So, they saw you at the fort. Perhaps we should find another way to get the guns." Big Hand asked.

  "Yes, maybe I could intercept the supplier before they get to the fort. There are too many people there, to see what we do. I will have to figure out new ways to get there too, as we will undoubtably be stopped at some point."

  "I know the area well too my friend, I could draw maps up for us to use different paths to go each time."

  "Good, that would really help." Red Elk agreed.

  Big Hand sighed heavily, "Well, that woke me up."

  "Me too, let's move on a while, we'll stop somewhere else along the way to rest."

  "You know, I didn't expect the Mexicans to pick up on me so quickly. I thought there would be yanks on my trail.

  "Naomi was right, they will follow you if they know what you are hauling."

  "Those Mexicans couldn't know for sure what I had unless they saw me with a supplier.
I will have to be more careful getting the guns and hauling them."

  "We will figure ways to outsmart them."


  It was a beautiful day, a bit chilly, but still beautiful. Naomi smiled and gathered her things to go and stay with Chosen One. She brought her sewing, and hoped they would make more baskets, as she so loved them and Chosen One knew how to really make them nice.

  Naomi's thoughts were of Red Elk and his second gun run. At least he wasn't alone, Big Hand would be a good help to him. Still, she missed him terribly. They had grown so close, she hated being apart from him. She knew his spirit would always be with her. And every day she knew that her strength grew, and she was more Apache. It was a good feeling as she knew she belonged here now.

  Strangely she did not doubt Red Elk's love any longer. She drew strength from that knowledge. Their thoughts were one, their bodies, their love was one and she felt completed as a woman. Much of her courage now came from that union. Their marriage was strong and built on solid principles. And they trusted each other, something she could not do with John.

  She knew a few words in Apache and she greeted several of the women as she walked toward Chosen One's wickiup. The women spoke to her and smiled, it made Naomi feel like part of the tribe. She really had become Apache, she felt it. She felt a bond growing with the people here.

  She saw a hawk in flight and stopped to watch it soar.

  Bear Foot was out and about and saw her. She waved and went inside to see Chosen One.

  "Good morning."

  "Good morning, it's so nice outside today." Naomi told her.

  "Yes, winter is coming before long." She told her.

  "I brought needles and thread for you."

  "Wonderful. I put a venison stew on I'll let you make the cornbread." Chosen One smiled.

  "Of course."

  "So, are you going to tell me about your little get-away?"

  Naomi blushed, "Oh," Naomi sighed with such a smile. "Chosen One you were so right about everything. I mean, he took me to a waterfall, where there was a beautiful pool. We made love many times and it was what he called our honeymoon. We talked, we loved, and we prepared for what must come."

  "I am so happy for you. I knew the two of you were meant to be together. I've never seen him so happy, nor you."

  "You look very happy yourself."

  "I'm feeling a happiness I have never known, to be with child."

  "Oh, how wonderful for you. How far along are you?"

  "I figure three or four months. Big Hand is on top of the moon happy. His face shines every morning at me. I can hardly wait and yet I'm a little scared. I confess this to you but not to Big Hand, it would worry him."

  Naomi took her hands in hers, "I've midwifed some, I can help you birth the baby if you want."

  "I would like you being there." Chosen One nodded.

  "I am so happy for the two of you. You've waited a long time, but finally it is happening. Big Hand is thrilled beyond words, isn't he?"

  "Yes, he can hardly contain himself. He is sure it is because we went to be purified at the sweat lodge some time ago." Chosen One laughed. "He has such big plans for the child and how he will teach him. He is sure it will be a boy. How comical for a man to think he knows such a thing."

  "It is good times."

  "Good times?" Chosen One smiled and took her hand to squeeze it in hers.

  "Yes, life is full of ups and downs. Sometimes, it is bad, but the bad times don't last as long as the good." Naomi told her.

  "I don't want to burst your good mood, but I want to show you where you can hide if anyone comes and there is time."

  Naomi sobered now, "Oh, I guess it is a good idea to have a hiding place."

  "Yes, I cannot believe it is Painted Dove behind all of this." Chosen One shook her head in dismay. "I mean, I knew she was a whore, but vengeful too, I did not expect it. Although, the Comanche seek revenge for everything. And it was her hope to be accepted into the tribe here. I guess because she had so many men on her list."

  "Red Elk has prepared me for any problems that come up. He is sure they will come for me though."

  Chosen One stopped, and looked down, "Here," She pointed to a spot that looked the same, in the ground, it is an old abandoned well, it is dry down there and the medicine man keeps the snakes from getting inside. You will be safe there, he has even put provisions for you for several days if necessary. There is a ladder that leads down to it, someone built it long ago. You climb down, then take the ladder down so no one can come in. It is a safe haven for you, hopefully. I do not know if Painted Dove knows of it or not. But hopefully not."

  "It is a good place," Naomi looked around at her surroundings, so she would know how to find it. It merely had a grassy door that hid it from anyone's view. It was well hidden by the grasses around it.

  "I will come here if I can get away, to do so."

  "Good. When they are gone, I will come get you. Do not come out until I come get you. No matter what you hear, do not come out."

  "Anyone else know I'll be there?"

  "Bear Foot knows. He will protect all of us as best he can if they come. He is the strongest warrior we have. Others will help, but not like Bear Foot. We don't know how many she has enlisted to do this. But he is prepared."

  "I hate that anyone else might get hurt because of me."

  "It cannot be helped. Do not worry for us. You are one of us now, and we will protect you as much as we can." Chosen One told her. "We must be ever watchful for them."

  She nodded.

  "Red Elk thinks Painted Dove is behind all of this. I cannot imagine such hate."

  "She is an evil one. Comanche can be treacherous. She's jealous of you."


  "Because you have Red Elk's heart and she knows it."

  Naomi nodded. "She had three years with him, wasn't that enough or her?"

  "Apparently not. I think she thought she could twist him to do her biding, so she could stay here. "

  They walked back to the village.

  It was a peaceful day and they spent it sewing and weaving baskets mostly. "I am glad you are with me." Chosen One told her.

  "Oh, have you been feeling alright?" Naomi asked with concern.

  "Yes, but it is my first and sometimes I am anxious about it. You see when Indian women have babies many years ago the women went out in the forest, had the child alone and then came back. I am not that strong. I am glad you are here and know something about it. It scares me, and many won't talk of the labor as it is a sign of weakness. I want to be strong, but I know I am not. For Big Hand reads the good book to me at night and I have heard how a woman goes through the gates of hell to have a child."

  "Yes, it is true. But don't think about it now. Think about all the wonderful days you and Big Hand will have with your child. I will be here, to help you. I promise."

  "You are a good friend."

  "I will help you any way I can. Do not be afraid, and don't hesitate to tell me you need me, for I am here. I understand. Even if you just need to talk about it, I will come. I would not wish to be alone either. Where did you get the bible?"

  "Red Elk gave it as a gift to Big Hand long ago. Big Hand has read it every day. It improves his English and makes him understand the Creator better."

  "Of course. I am glad you have it."

  "It is months before the baby comes though. So maybe if I read, it will keep me at peace."

  "Yes, I agree. Still, I imagine the first one brings many doubts and worries for you."

  "A little." Chosen One smiled. "Big Hand has been such a help to me. I do not know what I would do without him."

  "I think you will have a beautiful baby boy."

  "Big Hand is so sweet, he told me he didn't care what it was, as long as it was healthy. He has already made the cradle board for me and brought me supplies to make clothes for the baby. I am over the moon excited."

  "As you should be. And I would love to make some things for you
r baby. Some blankets and clothes. Would you mind?"

  "Oh, that is so sweet of you. Thank you. I would love anything you made, you are really a good seamstress. Is that not what they call them."

  "Yes, but I'm not that good. I do enjoy it so, and I'm sure I can make some pretty things for the baby."

  "Thank you… "

  At noon, Naomi made the cornbread and they ate.

  But there was a noise outside and Chosen One glanced outside, to see intruders riding quickly to the village.

  "You must go now, they are coming. Stay there until I come for you, or you run out of food. Do not come out… "

  Naomi felt her heart hammer in her chest, her stomach did a summer-sault and her mouth went dry. She escaped out the back way, running toward the well.

  It was a long run and she heard much commotion in the village.

  There were some shots fired and she practically jumped down into the well. Fear speared through her like a hot knife. Who fired the shots? Was anyone hurt on account of her? She'd die if anyone was hurt because of her escaping.

  Then it got very quiet.

  Nothing stirred.

  The well was well taken care of, as there was no water in it, and hadn't been for some time. But it was remarkably clean.

  She took the ladder down.

  There was a lantern and she lit it, as all the supplies were there for her. She'd have to thank the medicine man for taking care of everything for her. She found a pole with a hook to put the lid on the well.

  But she worried about everyone. That was the part she hadn't thought through very well. What might happen to the ones who protected her.

  With Chosen One pregnant with their first child, Naomi would not be able to stand it if anything happened to her. And even Bear Foot had offered to protect the village and her. She cared for all her people, and they were her people now. She knew it in her heart. This is where she belonged. She knew that. And she would fight to keep her people safe.

  There was a blanket, and she sat upon it, waiting.

  The silence was deafening. What had happened? Had they gone? She couldn't risk peaking out to find out.