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Afraid in the Dark (Stalker Series Book One) Page 8

  Dex rested his chin on his hands. "You're a pretty smart girl for getting out of that before it became worse."

  "I see now there was a lot lacking in the relationship. I think part of it was the fact that I'd left home to go to college. I wanted to run around with someone, have fun, go to parties and stuff. Brad afforded me that, but he wanted more than I wanted to give back." Melanie said. "Maybe I just wasn’t ready, or I didn't feel as much as I should have with him."

  He took her hand once more, as he leaned toward her. "I'll make a pact with you Melanie."

  "Oh, a pact huh? What exactly do you have in mind?" She chuckled.

  He studied her seriously a moment, "If our relationship doesn't grow, let's just consider it a friendship and go from there."

  "Now that sounds very wise." She agreed and squeezed his hand. "I like that."

  "But…there is one thing."

  "Oh, what?"

  "I'll tell you on the way home, how's that?" He smiled.

  "You're on." She smiled.

  They talked about their families, about their hopes and dreams for the future, and then they walked home.

  As they were walking, Melanie felt a chill run up her spine. That feeling of being watched hit her square now and she physically shivered. It was more than a feeling now, a sixth sense.

  "Are you cold?" He asked surprised by the action.

  "No…" She glanced around her.

  His expression changed from charming to worried. "You really are spooked, aren't you?"

  "I’m being silly," She shook her head and took his arm. "I mean, let's be frank, who would stalk me, I mean for what purpose?"

  He stopped and turned her face up to look into her eyes, "I don't think so Melanie…"

  He glanced around them and then held her a little tighter. "Let's get you home."

  She nodded but wondered what he meant by that.

  When she turned the key, and opened her door to her apartment, he came in, uninvited, but she didn't mind. He went into every room, looked around and made sure she was safe.

  "You believe me, don't you?" She looked shocked and a bit pleased too.

  "Yeah, I do." He looked at her now, and although he was serious he tried to smile. "You aren't the kind to spook like this. You've got a level head on your shoulders. And for the first time, I'm beginning to feel that same unease. As though you are right, someone is watching."

  Her eyes became wide and round. "But who…and why? I mean, I've done nothing I'm ashamed of or afraid about. I've hurt no one that I know of. Who would want to scare me like that, Dex?"

  'I don't know," Dex glanced at the patio. He walked toward it, opened the door, and glanced around. Then he closed it, locked it and came back to her side. "But just now on the street, I got that hair-raising moment too. It's not your imagination. I had the same feeling you did, that someone was watching us."

  She almost collapsed against the counter, "You felt it too?"

  "Yeah, hey, I don't mean to scare you." He came closer. "and I don't spook easy. Look, from now on, lock your doors. Check the apartment every time you go out and come back in. Check the street for familiar cars. And don't you dare walk to or from work." He instructed. "Maybe that's being overly cautious but there are a lot of weirdo's out there."

  "Dex you are scaring me." She gasped.

  He took her by the arms, "When you first told me about it, I thought you were just a bit skittish and spooked. But I felt something tonight myself. I felt it. I wasn't going to say anything, but upon closer examination, not saying anything could be even worse. Just promise me not to take any chances."

  "I promise, and I appreciate you checking things out for me. I really do." she smiled at him.

  "Want a cold drink?" She asked when he glanced around the place.


  "So…what was it you wanted to tell me a while ago."

  She handed him a coke and they went to sit down, but this time he joined her on the bean bag chair. He paused, then stared into her soft brown eyes. A slight smile curled his lips and his gaze took her in now. He brushed her hair back from her face. "Well, maybe I’m being forward. Maybe not. But in order to find out if our relationship can grow, there's a simple test."

  "Oh," she smiled at him.

  "A simple kiss can usually tell you about a person. It can tell you that you've found a friend, or you've found a lot more. Are you game?"

  "Really, what does it tell you?" she liked Dex and although she wasn't sure if he was kidding or not, she was game. For a kiss, deep down she had hoped he would.

  "Well kisses tell you if there is potential for a relationship. There's the soft kiss that barely a kiss at all, there's the sloppy kiss, the one you want to avoid at all costs, there's the hot kiss that says things have progressed a little too quickly, and there's the real one."

  "The real one?" She smiled into his shining eyes.

  "Yeah, you know the 'knock your socks off' kind of kiss. That doesn't happen often, and you should pay attention if it does."

  She chuckled.

  Again, he stared into her eyes, and added breathlessly. "You can say no, if you want to." He smiled again. "You're allowed to say no, but I'd sure like to test it. I've wanted to test it since the morning I asked for coffee and you gave it to me, without question."

  "I'm free with my coffee…" she laughed.

  "How about the kisses…"

  "I'm game…" She said, her eyes going to his lips now. "But what if I disappoint you."

  His eyes warmed to her, "I don't think there is a chance of that." He stared into her eyes, both hands came up to her face and he cupped her cheeks as his thumbs stroked her there. His touch was soft, sweet, and made her relax a little. His thumbs worked methodically there, caressing her.

  It soothed her raw nerves.

  He bent his head and softly touched his lips to hers. It was just going to be a simple little kiss, to test for magic between them but the minute he touched his lips to hers, she wrapped her arms around him and gave in to it. Her lips responded to his, melting against his. She swooned a bit, so wrapped up in the test. Losing herself a moment, her response was warm and inviting.

  When they came up for air, his eyes sparkled into hers.

  "Lady, you certainly know how to kiss."

  She blushed. "I'm sorry…"

  "Don't be…" He whispered.

  He swallowed hard.

  "So, what do you think?" She asked softly.

  "I think I need another to be sure," he smiled and pulled her unresisting body against his. This time the kiss went on and on, and she totally gave in to his mastery. The way he touched her cheek with his thumbs had reassured her he wouldn't be taking an advantage unless she wanted him to. And she was just as curious as he was if this test would mean anything.

  She was breathless and blushing when she came up for air.

  His eyes were sparkling in the darkness as only the moonlight shone into the apartment now. "I think we have potential…" he whispered.

  "In that case, you can call me Mel…" She whispered as he feather touched her lips once more.

  "See you tomorrow Mel, and lock your door. Always check the peephole, and we'll go look for a bike tomorrow. Don't eat, we'll get something on the way."

  She nodded, feeling the sensation of his kiss sweeping through her entire body, awakening something she had never experienced. Jesse had kissed her, but that had been so long ago, and they were young. Brad was sophisticated but he always announced his kisses and it seemed rather practiced. He always expected her to melt at the touch, she didn't for some reason. Dex just kissed, soft and sweet and there was a bit of magic. His kisses were the kind that made a girl swoon, that made her heart trip a bit, that made her react.

  She dated Brad for four years and he'd never kissed her like that. Sweet, loving, passionate kind of kiss that sweeps a girl off her feet, and awakens a desire she'd never known.

  Chapter Seven

  Melanie laid awake that night thi
nking about Dex and all he had told her and the kisses they shared. She liked Dex and the fact that he believed her suspicions reinforced her confidence. So maybe she wasn't crazy.

  She tried to shrug the kisses off, as just pleasant, but she knew there was a definite difference in Dex and any man she had ever met before. She looked about her apartment, trying to concentrate on something other than the warm kisses she shared with him. He certainly left an impression, a good one too. But it was too early in their relationship to be this dreamy-eyed about him. This wasn't her, and she knew it. Perhaps she was reacting to the fact that he had become immediately protective of her. That could easily turn her head.

  It also scared her witless to think someone would be watching her and that Dex had picked up on her wariness. Why her? And who would do such a thing? Had she made someone mad? Had she caused problems for someone? She couldn't think of a single incident with anyone lately. She supposed breaking up with Brad had been the most dramatic thing that had happened to her lately.

  Breaking up with Brad. That had been less than a month ago, and here she was starry eyed over Dex's kisses. This was going to fast, she had to put the brakes on, but honestly, she'd never been kissed so expertly in her life. Any girl would swoon.

  Her life seemed to be moving too fast all the way around. She'd broken up with Brad, moved to an apartment, gotten a job and met Dex all within a few weeks. Yes, her life was in the fast lane right now, and she didn't know if that was good or bad.

  She heard a noise and she stilled herself in the bed as she had wanted to get a good night's sleep so she could enjoy tomorrow with Dex. The sound had her heart tripping. Sweat beaded on her upper lip. Her hands were shaking when she moved the covers away and stood up.

  She didn't turn a light on, as the moonlight was bright through the blinds, besides, she didn't want whoever it might be to see her. She checked the peephole and there was no one around. She turned and went toward the patio. She looked out the window, then she opened the door and stared. The railing was more broken now, and it was dangling some, she would have to report that to the maintenance guy. She closed the door, locked it and went back to bed. Had the wind damaged it more, or had someone. She was being paranoid, she told herself.

  She was a grown woman now. She didn't have to be afraid of every sound she heard.

  But sleep was very scant that night. She curled into a fetal position and covered herself well. She tried to slow the beating of her heart. Tried to tell herself it was more imagination that anything. Problem was, she knew it wasn't her imagination.

  The next day, she got up and made coffee. Nibbling on some dry toast, she read the paper. Silently she scolded herself for being afraid. Who would want to stalk her? She was an adult now and she had to grow up and realize there was no boogey-man. No one was under her bed, no one was in her closet. It was all fear playing in her head.

  When Dex came over she was showered and ready. She tied her hair up with a pretty clip and wore a sweat suit.

  He oddly was wearing the same thing.

  As they left, she stopped at the maintenance office and told Earl about the balcony.

  "I'll get on it tomorrow, we're closed on Sunday unless it's an emergency." He told her.

  "I don't suppose it is, but is kind of dangling now, if it falls and hits someone it could be bad."

  "I'll get to it as soon as I can." Earl assured her.

  "Fine, I may not be there as I start work tomorrow, but feel free to go on in." She told him.

  "Okay, appreciate it." He nodded to them both and they were off.

  "What happened to the railing?" Dex asked as they walked to his car.

  "I'm not sure, it was lose when I first moved in, but it seems to be broken in one spot. I think the wind had something to do with it the other day. I won't go out there because of it."

  "Glad you reported it. It could have been the wind, it was blowing hard the other day." Dex explained.

  "I hope that's all it was." She said flippantly.

  "You think it's something else?"

  "I don't really know…I guess it could have been the wind. Dex, forgive me, I'm getting a bit paranoid again. I'm really trying to control these feelings I have, but it's hard. My imagination runs away with itself. I don't want to be paranoid. And yet, I do want to be careful."

  He nodded, but when he opened the door of his car, he opened his side and had her scoot in beside him.

  When he slid in beside her, he caught her to him and kissed her again. It was just as sweet today as it was yesterday and she relaxed and let him lead her into a point of awareness. His lips were soft, exploring and demanded her full attention. She felt herself going to putty in his arms.

  "It was!" He said with a passion.

  "It was what?" She asked in a whisper.

  "Better than yesterday. I'm gonna have to take it slow and easy, you are one heck of a kisser…" He grinned. "I wasn’t prepared for that."

  She smiled, "You're not so bad yourself." She smiled.

  He took her hand and held it all the time he was driving. She didn't mind. It was nice to have a man interested in her and she sure liked his kisses. But she didn't want to rush into this relationship, unless he was that interested. Was he? He gave that impression, and she couldn't fight back the thrill that gave her! She'd told herself she wouldn't rush into another relationship, but the way Dex kissed her made putty in his arms and she knew it.

  "Dex, you told me not to walk, is riding a bike gonna be much better?" She asked.

  "I have a bike too, I ride it every now and then. I'll take you around and show you some short cuts to get home."

  "Oh, that would be great." She nodded.

  "It will be faster than walking when you have to. But I plan on seeing you don't have to. I hope I didn't scare you yesterday when I told you I felt something." Dex looked at her, his arm going around her shoulder.

  "No, you didn't scare me. But I'm afraid I'm beginning to get a little jumpy. I heard that banging on the patio last night and went to see what it was, and it scared me a bit, last night after you left." She admitted. "I didn't sleep well, and lack of sleep alone can make me jumpy."

  "Let me know if Earl fixes it tomorrow." He told her.

  "Is he pretty quick to respond?"

  "Most of the time, unless he has a major break down or something." Dex explained.


  "How about a hamburger or hot dog? We can pull into this drive-in down the street, they make a pretty mean one." He told her.

  "Sounds fine to me."

  "You're easy to please." He smiled at her.

  They ordered and while they were waiting, he asked if she was anxious about starting her new job tomorrow?

  "A little. A new place to work is always hard the first couple of days."

  "I hope you get the Pediatric ward, it is one of the best areas of the hospital. And most people love Julia." He assured her. "But count yourself lucky if you do.

  Referring to the head nurse, as "Julia" sounded a bit intimate, but she shrugged that away. She wasn't the jealous type and she had no reason to be. She sorely wished her imagination wouldn't jump to conclusions. "Yeah but being so new to this, you think they might throw me in ER or something?" She asked him.

  "Well, it's possible. Just depends where their biggest need is…" He told her. "Or how bad Julia might need you."

  "I've heard from other girls that ER is the usual place they start you." She told him.

  "It's true, I wasn't going to even suggest that, because I'm pulling for you to get Pediatrics." He smiled.

  They ate hot dogs and when they finished he looked at her, "What's your favorite color?" He asked out of the blue.

  She seemed to think on that, "Mmm…blue." She responded.

  "I like yellow." He smiled into her eyes.

  "Your favorite movie…?"

  "Oh, gee you would ask that one. You'll think me prudish, but I like 'God is not Dead'.

  "Oh yeah," he glanced at he
r with surprise, "I liked that one too. Never met a girl who would even watch that one with me. But it is profound, isn't it."

  "Really, well, maybe I am prudish. Aside from liking westerns too?"

  "You like westerns too?"

  "You mean you do too?"

  He smiled about that. "I had an Uncle who got me into them. He used to come over on Saturday mornings and we'd sit in the living room, munching on something and watch westerns. I love the classic westerns. You know Magnificent Seven, High Noon, The Cowboys."

  "The Sons of Katie Elder." She chimed in.

  He stared into her eyes, "You're a girl of my own heart. I'm a John Wayne fan myself."

  She blushed. "You don't think I'm too old fashioned?"

  "No, you're sweet…" he said and leaned to kiss her again. The kiss was slow, but very warming to her heart. It might have gone on, but their hot dogs arrived, breaking them up. "And I don't know if you know this or not, but I'm addicted to sweets."

  It took her so by surprise that all she could do was hang on for the ride. Coming up for air, she realized she liked Dex a lot, and she enjoyed his kisses. But she had never reacted so quickly to a man before. What was causing this instant karma? She didn't want to analyze it, she wanted to enjoy it.

  He started his car and they went to a bike shop. They looked through the selections and she found one she liked.

  "Really, you like that one?"

  "Yeah, what's wrong?" She asked.

  "It has no gears." He told her.

  "I know, that's why I like it. That and the seat is big and wide.

  His smile widened. "You sure?"

  "Absolutely," she grinned.

  "I love an old-fashioned woman."

  His words shocked her, but it also sent a thrill through her too. How did he always have the perfect come-back that warmed her heart?

  She bought the bike and he put it on top his car and tied it down and they went home. He showed her where she could lock it up in the covered parking lot and then he invited her to his apartment.

  She was curious how he lived, so she went.

  He was a clean man, she noted. His bed was made, his dishes washed. There was little not to like about Dex, she decided.