Teach Me Your Love Page 22
She sighed, "You know this?"
"Yes, but it will be an ordeal for you, so you must be very strong."
She knew whatever he saw in the sweat lodge was serious and she had to be strong, for both their sakes.
"Can you tell me what you saw?"
"Someone wishes you harm. And if I am not here to protect you…. "
"Then don't go away," she said simply.
"I must do my duty. But I will teach you to survive."
She nodded again. Somehow the way he said that, and his reassurance worked with her. She trusted Red Elk implicitly now. Whatever he saw must have shaken him. She worried silently about it. But she prayed everything would work out for them. "I promise to be strong. Believe it or not, my faith is stronger now than ever."
"I am glad of that. Glad to see that you remember what you once knew as truth. Know that no matter what happens, I am with you, we are one. No one save God can change that. Keep your faith, do not despair, and the Creator is with us. But you will go through an ordeal."
She felt fear grip her.
He picked up on her fear. "Do not let fear conquer you, as we will prevail through this."
She nodded. "I will trust in your words." She nodded.
That night he held her in his arms and kissed her sweetly. "I have never loved anyone, like I love you," he whispered for her ears alone. "The love is strong, Stronger than I've ever known, with anyone else. I know only God can send this kind of love to a human. We share this love that God has given, and our marriage is blessed by God."
She turned and kissed him. "I will remember that." She smiled.
"The spirits were not all bad news."
"What do you mean?" she asked cuddling into him now as they lay naked together.
"We will have a boy child and we will be triumphant in the face of despair."
"Am I with child now?" she asked.
"I wouldn't doubt it… " he kissed her tenderly. "That is why you must protect yourself at all costs."
"I will remember your powerful arms around me like this, your warm lips igniting a fire within me. I will be strong for your sake." She whispered. "I know too, that our God, is with us."
"God knows I love you so… " he whispered.
"Will you be safe?" she asked.
"The first few journeys will be safe, as no one knows what I will be doing. After that, it will be a battle each time to get through. But I know how to evade them easily enough. The spirits are with me though, that much they have shown me. So, do not fear for me."
"Then I don't have to worry about you?"
"Not while I am gone… "
"I don't understand?"
"If anyone hurts or tries to hurt you, I will want them dead. No matter who they are. You must understand this. For we are of one body now."
"Do you know who seeks me out?"
"I have a suspicion."
"Let God handle it. Evil never triumphs." She told him.
"You're right… "
They made love, kissing, mating, touching, enjoying being together.
"You have come to mean more to me than even I expected. I will not let anything harm you." His hands went over her, as though blind, and wanting to read her. He touched her everywhere, softly, gently.
How could a man so strong, be so gentle and tender with her?
But she straddled him, and he entered her quickly, needing to be one with her. She was warm and wet and ready for him. She rode him softly at first, then as passion took them, she reared back, displaying herself to him as she took what he offered her. The fever of desire liberated her, as she leaned back, her mouth slightly open, her lips almost moist, her breasts puckered, her belly throbbing for the release she knew would come in a tidal wave of sensations saturating her body with the joy of love. He was her husband now, in every way and she wanted him to enjoy every moment he could of her.
Her breasts jutted, her nipples puckered, and his eyes feasted on her. "You are the most beautiful creature I have ever known," he moaned softly. "Your hair, is so lovely, I have no words to describe its beauty."
Her hair dangled down her shoulders to her hips as she threw back her head, her face was like the smile of an angel as the orgasm came wildly to them. He held her as he reached to caress her breasts and closed his eyes to the beauty of the moment. "To taste you, to smell the essence of your beautiful body, and to feast my eyes on your offering, is heaven."
"You've liberated me, my love. Your need is my need now. I want only to please you… "
"Naomi my sweet, you always please me, from your lovely body, to your sweet conversations. You have a warm and caring heart, and a sweetness about you that flows from you."
"You've built a fire in me, I cannot extinguish it. I don't want to either. You fill my desires, my passions, being one with you is heaven… on earth. I've never been like this before. I look at you and want you. I can't seem to control myself. Am I wicked?"
"No, my love, you’re a newlywed, that's all. Time will temper your desires, but I will never put out all the fires, I like you like this. I want you to want me, as I want you. It is natural, and it is good. We are of the same mind."
"It is very good… " she smiled now at him. "Thank you for not shaming me."
"There is no shame between married lovers."
He grabbed her backside, massaging her there as the sensations washed over them and as a crescendo of emotions flooded them.
She gasped, sighed, and smiled provocatively at him as he pulled her closer.
"Our love is pure and good." He murmured as the waves of love subsided. She bent down to kiss his lips, her tongue moving against his lips, so he'd open, then dancing against his in a kiss that promised more to come.
They hugged each other through the night, his hand always on her breasts, their legs intertwined. Sometime in the middle of the night, he entered her gently, caressing her nipples, she stirred, her eyes opening, a smile breaking over her lips. He loved her so gently, so sweetly, she swooned.
"I can never get enough of you my love. Forgive me, but I wanted you so. You are the woman I have desired from the beginning. A woman who listens, who talks, and who loves with her heart and mind. And you are finally at last mine."
She stared, her eyes starry now, "The gentle way you touch me now, makes my belly ache to have you once more. I like this way the best, I think, as the feelings sneak up on you and build such a fire, my need grows within me. Looking at you pleases me too. You are such a handsome man… I've thought so from the very first."
"And you are my beautiful wife that I will love forever." He smiled against her breasts, as the gentle loving continued. She smelled their passion building, she squirmed as he played endlessly with her nipples. Her hips began to move in a slow motion with his, meeting his thrusts.
His hands reached under her to touch her buttocks, pulling them solidly against him, he loved the soft, but firm feel of her there, round and perfect, it stimulated him to touch and explore her there. He heard her soft moans of delight as his hand moved against her. There was nothing rough or ugly about his love making. He was a powerful but gentle lover.
"I love the oneness of being inside you, my love."
"You have opened my eyes to love… to giving, to being one. You are Christian, a gentle lover, and my body joins with yours to be one. I never knew there was such pleasure in being one."
He smiled touching her cheek gently as his thumb rubbed against her soft skin. "You are mine, at long last mine."
He tempted her in every way, playing just enough to keep the fires going. He kissed her sweet lips when her moans seem to beg for more.
"Sometimes a prolonged anticipation is even better than the wild thrusts of passion, is it not?" his eyes glittered into hers.
She was breathless now, feeling the build of their orgasms. They were nearly there, nearly to the top of the mountain where they would reach for the stars. Each time he eased up, she found herself wanting him to continue but he wouldn't l
et the orgasm come yet, he wanted her branding iron hot. He wanted her scratching him on the back with her nails biting into him. He wanted her to feel every moment of the ecstasy they created.
Several times she almost orgasmed, but he'd pull out a little and begin again. It was miserable and pleasurable all in the same breath. Her breathing was ragged, her body was on fire, and her mind could see the end of this tunnel of love. She was so close.
He makes me desire him so! The need to be one with him overpowers me!
Her nails dug into his back, her teeth nipped at his shoulders, she plunged herself higher for him, seeking the pleasure he offered.
"I must have you now!" she cried. "Please my sweet."
"It is sweet is it not…?" he laughed softly then suddenly he began to plunge into her and she grabbed him with her hands, pulling him closer, kissing him hotly and scratching him with her nails now.
"We must… " and then it came, and she moaned raggedly. The orgasm was so strong, it came like a huge storm, raging through her body, melting, as a wild contentment and satisfaction settled over them. It lasted forever it would seem as she felt suspended in that moment, grasping every ounce of pleasure she could from him, and moaning her desires.
She found his earlobe, her teeth playing there, "It is heaven being in your arms, this way… " she cried. "I love how you touch me, make me crave you. I cannot believe we slept so close so long, and never touched each other."
"Did you want to?" he asked staring into her eyes now.
"Y-yes, many times… " she admitted, her breathing barely controlled.
For that admission he kissed her hotly on the lips and she was lost, melting into him as the orgasm quaked all along her body now.
Exhausted they cuddled together. "I've never known a woman that could please me so much. You make me feel like a king, a conqueror."
"I will love you until I die, and then I will love you some more." She sighed happily.
"To think we have a lifetime to look forward to together."
"I will be with child half my life if this keeps up." She chuckled.
"It is fine with me, a woman with child is even more beautiful." He smiled and kissed her nose.
"You think so?" she asked surprised by his words.
"I long to see your belly grow with my child." He told her.
"Well at the way we go at it, it won't be long." She laughed.
He laughed softly.
She bent to kiss his belly and smiled against his skin. "I love to hear you laugh."
"Yes, you make me appreciate laughter. It must be a gift from God. Not everyone laughs you know."
They talked for a while, then slept longer. It was a beautiful night together that they would hold in their memories.
Chapter Twenty
"When do you make the next run?" She asked him a few days later?"
"The end of next week." He told her, glancing as she was embroidering. "Is that my old shirt?" he asked with a smile.
"Yes, I thought if I make something on it, it would hide the tattered places well."
"I like it. It is an old shirt, but soft and worn in. I love that you did this for me." He smiled and kissed her softly. "Are you worried about me leaving?" He asked when she grew silent.
"No, I'm going to stay with Chosen One while you are gone. Will Big Hand go with you?"
"Yes, he will."
"Good." She smiled. She came up to him and touched his arms. "How could I worry with a man like you? Do you know how beautiful a man you are?"
"Beautiful?" he chuckled.
"To me, yes!" she smiled and kissed his arm.
He put his arm around her and brought her closer.
"I have taught you everything I can think of to survive in the wilds, to take care of yourself. But I admit I am worried. I will leave the rifle with you, to protect yourself with."
She nodded, "Can we practice some more." She asked him.
"Yes, let's have breakfast, and then we'll go practice." He told her.
He saw a silent tear lodged in corner of her eye and came closer. "Dear One, do not be afraid. My spirit is with you always and the Creator's too." He told her.
"I know that. I will be brave, I promise." She smiled.
"But I do wish I knew who it was that will betray me. I thought the tribe liked me."
"Dear one, it is not the tribe."
"Then who?"
"Do not worry, please… I am not sure, but I suspect."
She nodded.
After they ate, he took her far out on the prairie and they practiced with the rifle. She was getting to where she could hit most of her targets.
He showed her different plants she could eat from, how to build a fire, how to trap a rabbit. Her shoulder was sore when they came back. "You are getting much better with it."
"If my shoulder does not give out." She laughed.
"There is something else I must talk to you about."
"I'm listening." She told him as she cleaned the dishes from breakfast.
"If someone tries to abduct you, do not fight them. If they try to take you, let them."
"Let them?" she questioned.
"Yes. Do as you used to with John just lie there. Perhaps in looking back you will understand the Creator's reason for your first marriage. You know how to lie still. That is good. It would be better not to fight them. Unless you can shoot them dead, lay very still and let them have you. I have your heart, I know that. Nothing will change between us, except I will love your courage even more."
"Do you think this possible?" She gasped. "I mean they would rape me?"
"It is not rape if you merely lie there and do nothing. But a woman as beautiful as yourself, they will want you, of that I am sure. But I wanted to tell you what to do. As it will save your life if someone takes you."
"What if I'm pregnant?" she gasped.
"Then whatever you do, don't fight them. Let them get on and get off. Understand. If you are pregnant, it won't matter as long as you aren't fighting them, and they could hurt you that way."
She nodded, "I will do as you say. But it scares me, I must admit. I did not like John getting on and off. It seems so useless."
"It is because you know the difference now of loving."
"If it happens, think of John, and how you hated his getting on and getting off, but endure it. Do not try escaping unless you are sure you can get away. Try to get a horse and gun, if you can. If you can't do it safely, don't do it at all. Leave trails for me to follow if they take you from here."
"You do know something…. "
"Yes," he sighed. "Someone we both know will turn you into the whites. They will take you away. But leave me some markings, so I can find your trail, understand?"
"Yes, I do. So that is what will happen?"
"Yes, do not show them fear. Only compliance."
She nodded.
"I will come for you. It may not be this trip, it may be later, but they will come for you, that I know. Looking for a white woman in our camp. If they find you, they will take you. Two things will happen. Either they will take you to a fort or town, or they will take you and send you back to John."
"Oh God!" she cried out. "That's just as bad."
"No, it is not. He would not hurt you, would he?"
"No… but. I just don't want to see him again."
He kissed her sweetly, on the lips. "I want you to draw a map of where in Texas you were. In case they send you to him."
She nodded. She got a piece of hide and drew it like a map. He nodded. "That is good, after I find out who is behind this, I will know if they sent you home or have you."
She nodded.
"Dear One, I will find you. This I promise… "
She managed a tight smile.
"I know it scares you. But you are Apache now, you are one with me. I will you my strength. Do not be or show your fear. Understand?"
"Yes, I do." She looked up at him with confidence now.
nbsp; "Good."
"Where would they take me?"
"There is a Confederate camp headed for Tucson they might take you there. Or to a nearby town. If they are decent, they will send you to John. Which I would rather see, as I know he will not hurt you. He might not like getting you back, but he won't hurt you."
"Yes, you are right about that."
"Good. If they don't send you away, it could be worse. There is a slight chance they would take you to the fort. If so, this could mean breaking a treaty we have. But it can be negotiated."
"They might make a slave of you, a whore of you. That is why you must leave a trail for me to follow. If I have a trail, it won't be as hard to follow. And I'll be there sooner."
"I will make scraps of my yellow dress. I did not throw it away. I can cut small strips to drop every so often, so you can find me.
"Good, drop them on rocks or tree limbs, they will be easy to find. Put them on brush around you."
"Why would they do this?" She reached to hug him close. "I can't imagine anyone wanting to do this to me."
He turned away… "I don't know. But the spirits showed me they would take you from here."
She stared at him. "Hold me please." She cried.
"I am sorry. I would give anything for it not to happen." He pulled her into his arms, kissing her on the forehead. "But it will. And the worst thing is my temper. For if they do take you, I will kill them all, it does not matter who they are. I will not tolerate anyone hurting you in any way."
"It's not Big Hand or Chosen One, is it?"
"No, they are our friends."
"Is it anyone from our camp."
He smiled as if to himself, she was already thinking of the village as her camp too. He loved that about her.
"No, they are not in our camp. But if they come after you, do not fight them." He cuddled her against him now, feeling her shiver. "I have made you afraid."
"No, it's alright. I'll get over it. Just give me your strength."
"My spirit will be with you, each time I go. Understand?"
"Yes. Don't worry," she looked up at him, "I'm an Apache now!" she smiled.
"God, knows I love you." He told her with a smile. "I have from the beginning. I'm sorry I could not tell you then."